【快客攻略】新娘面纱瀑布Bridal Veil Falls

【快客攻略:新娘面纱瀑布Bridal Veil Falls沿着帕考卡河 (Pakoka River) 穿越原生丛林,便可到达新娘面纱瀑布的顶端,是不是觉得自己很高大?沿着台阶向下走到瀑布的底部,仰头看去,是不是觉得自己很渺小?时机合适,还能看到彩虹;更有新西兰守护者勋章等你拿。 详情访问:https://bit.ly/3aTBE6s

景点内时间:单程15分钟, 30分钟往返

如何去:地图上搜Bridal Veil Falls,按照导航过去

壮美无比的新娘面纱瀑布 (Bridal Veil Falls) 高55米,距离雷格兰 (Raglan) 仅15分钟车程,其步道也是广受追捧。
沿着帕考卡河 (Pakoka River) 穿越原生丛林,便可到达新娘面纱瀑布的顶端,单程仅需10分钟轻松步行。在顶端的两个观景平台上,欣赏到令人心醉神迷的风光,是不是觉得自己很高大?白色的水流倾泻而下,两旁点缀着灰色的岩石和绿色的植被,吸引了无数人驻足拍照。


1. Woooohoooo you made it! This is a good spot to watch the Pākoka stream flow past. Can you see any critters in the water?
2. Who is Tāne Mahuta? Put on your fast-reading eyes and see if you can find out. What’s the last sentence in English on the Pou?
3. Can you see the longest kareao / supplejack? It’s a long vine that twists and turns... Did you know that it’s an important plant for Māori medicine? What else do you think it could be useful for?
4. Who can spot the mānuka trees? What comes from mānuka that we can put on our toast? Here’s a hint: buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
5. You are at the top of the falls - careful! How high is Wairēinga falls? Is it windy up there? Tāwhirimātea is the Māori god of the wind. Can you see any itsy bitsy people at the bottom? Will they wave back?
6. This is the middle viewing platform, can you see any rainbows from here? How many colours can you count? And who can spot the guardian post?! You’ve earned your medals, quick - what’s the code?
7. Now you’re at the water! What can you hear when you close your eyes? Can you see any tuna/eels in the water? This is a nice place for a yummy picnic!
8. Ready to count? How many steps are there?! How many can you count in Māori? Can you go up the steps backwards? Tricky huh?
9. Check out the DOC information panels. How was Wairēinga created? Why hasn’t the water eroded the hill? Is it a special kind of rock at the top?
10. Why do you think Māori call this place Wairēinga? Why do you think it got its English name? It’s so different...





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