Southern Belle Orchard near Matamata
Published by Xtravel Club on October 9th, 2016
名称: Southern Belle Orchard
Growing healthy products, the way nature shows us, is our core business. The letters SBO also stand for "Sustainable Biological Origin" which is our main objective.
Next to that we get a lot of joy and satisfaction by hosting tour groups, to educate people from around the world how this way of farming can be achieved.
We also give the opportunity to get an even closer look, if guests would like to wind down in our modern B&B, set onto the most tranquil part of the Orchard with great views over the ancient Waikato river valley.
- 1500平米的大棚,种植了柿子椒、辣椒和黄瓜。大棚内采用纯天然的方案来控制病虫害
- Feijoa 果园:每年11/12月,果园里充满鲜花,小鸟过来传粉而不是蜜蜂,所以可以看到很多鸟类。12/1月果实开始生长,这时引入生物菌剂和营养成分以调节土壤和生物环境。3月末到6月中是收获的季节。再以后,果园会进行修剪以保证最大化的上果率。
- B&B

果园非常欢迎组团参观,大概需要1个小时。如果有,可以提供时令蔬菜/水果尝鲜。如果季节不对,也可以试试他们制成品,比如他们的Feijoa 果酱。
联系电话: 07 888 6412
Email: [email protected]
Mobile (Frans): 021 610 703
Mobile (Tineke): 021 181 4575